In this video I show you how to get booked in the venues you really want to play, even if you don’t know the promoter or you don’t have much of a following yet.
But there is zero point having that information if you don’t know who you should be playing for.
Do you know the 50 promoters who are PERFECT for you to play for?
If you don’t know about them, how are they ever going to know about you?
Most acts I speak to can name a few promoters they want to play for, but they can’t tell me the 2 or 3 promoters in each city that are ideal for them.
Who are the promoters, clubs and festivals in your city, surrounding cities, in your country, surrounding countries and internationally that you should play for in the next 5 years, starting NOW?
You need to know the party, the name of the people that run the event and you need to know exactly how to contact them.
Can you honestly say that you have all of that?
If you don’t – you have a MASSIVE blind spot in your career.
If you don’t have enough bookings – that’s probably a relationships issue.
Let’s plug this hole and get you crystal clear who you need to work with, and how to find them.
After you’ve watched this video, jump over and check my quick video showing you how to go from strangers to booked in the shortest time possible.
Mikey Mooguire