Tell us a bit about yourself:
I’m Sammy Dean, I have a few decades of musical knowledge under my belt and bring you a mix of old and new, house and disco, classics and edits with an uplifting party vibe.
How did you get into DJing?
Bought technics 1210’s when I was 18 just to prove to my dad I could learn a musical instrument after I gave up piano lessons and wasn’t allowed sax lessons
What DJs have had the most influence on you?
Roger Sanchez for mixing style.Rob Tissera for old skool talentJohn Summit (boy has that guy come a long way in a short space of time!)
You’re being put to death, but you can listen to one last track before you die. What track do you choose?
Man too hard! Joe Smooth promised land the groove armada mix seems appropriate!
What’s your favourite thing about Ibiza?
Dancing for manumission to Born slippy on the bridge over the pool in privilege
What’s the easiest thing about being a DJ?
It’s not easy but the rewards when people say they loved your set make it worthwhile
And what’s the hardest thing about being a DJ?
Knock backs. But a road with no obstacles rarely leads anywhere!
Best thing about Dance Music culture right now?
Same as always. Togetherness and music make you forget your troubles and make new friends.
Worst thing about Dance Music culture right now?
Bitching vinyl v digital. As someone who has played both. Please stop they both have their merits.
Why should listeners vote for you?
Passion over promotion. I’m here for the love of house not the love of fame